Guest Appearance on Twin Flame Divine Fire Radio Show this Sunday!

Author Patricia Walker is honored to announce her appearance on Twin Flame Divine Fire Radio show this Sunday, April 23, 2017 from 11:00 am – 1:00 pm. MT.

Hope you’ll join us!

For info, please click here: Twin Flame Divine Fire Radio Show

From their website:

Twin Flame Divine Fire Radio Show on Truth Frequency Radio

Sandra and Alan are dedicated to having guests on that enhance spiritual tools available in a variety of healing areas and teaching tools of which music plays a big part! They also bring guests on from the secular world who are making a difference around the globe with their special gifts of music, writing and various healing modalities just to name a few. It is designed to be lighthearted and fun but informative!

Truth Frequency Radio is a team of individuals focused on expanding the consciousness of humanity by shining the light in the darkness. We are here to promote love, unity, and respect for every human being, as we combat and expose the elements that systematically divide and enslave mankind. While our opinions may sometimes be the opposite of one another, the foundation and goals upon which we stand are always aimed at forging a better world for the next generation.

Truth Frequency Radio was established on November 5, 2009 (remember, remember, the “Fifth Of November”) and has since operated on a 100% listener supported basis with continual growth and evolution. We do not censor, regulate, or micro-manage the content on our airwaves, therefore the views and opinions expressed on TFR are of those who make them. We do however ask that our team minimizes foul-language in order to keep our station classy and safe enough to listen at work or school.

Our promise to you is that you will always be able to trust what you hear on our station.

We are TFR. Your protection from deception.

Tune in and support Twin Flame Divine Fire Radio Show every Sunday 11am – 1pm mst:

New Podcast Interview!

The Daily Author LogoWooden Pants Network Logo

Please check out my latest interview on Richard Keller’s “The Daily Author” where Rich asks me about my book, Dance of the Electric Hummingbird, my upcoming appearance in Denver on April 9 for the Denver Near Death Studies Group, Sammy Hagar‘s role in all of this, The Monroe Institute and much more!

Thank you, Rich, for this honor.

Listen/download on Blog Talk Radio

Listen/download on TuneIn


Exploring the Afterlife Workshop with Bruce Moen

With metaphysical author & lecturer
Bruce Moen

(All techniques learned in this workshop have even greater benefits than just connecting with the Afterlife–they serve as a vehicle to expanding one’s awareness in order to live more fully and consciously in everyday situations.)

April 22-24, 2016
Courtyard by Marriott

1200 Oakridge Drive
Fort Collins, CO 80525

To register for the workshop ($250), please click here:

**You are responsible for making your own hotel room reservation. Hotel serves breakfast, lunch and dinner on site, and is within walking distance to other restaurants and shopping. Your workshop fee includes lunch on April 23 and 24. You are on your own for breakfast and dinner those days.** Click here for hotel reservations: Courtyard Marriott

Listen to Bruce describe the workshop and answer questions from callers about what happens in the Afterlife in these two recent interviews:


BRUCE MOEN is the author of Voyages Into the Unknown, Voyage Beyond Doubt, Voyages Into the Afterlife, Voyage to Curiosity’s Father, and Afterlife Knowledge Guidebook

Aboutbruce moen Bruce: 

Bruce Moen is a lot like you. He’s never had a near-death experience, nor does he claim any special psychic gift or ability. Yet, he’s learned to do some special things. He has freed “lost souls” from their isolated, sometimes terrifying post-death existence; helped them regain free will choice over their own destiny; brought comfort to those left behind when a loved one dies; moved earthbound ghosts to their place in the Afterlife; verifiably explored nonphysical human consciousness and other realities.

Afterlife exploration has profoundly changed his life. It’s taught him what Love is and shown him the purpose of his life. Through his website, his books and tapes, and his workshops, Bruce is sharing a continuing journey of discovery that began in 1992 at The Monroe Institute. It was there he first learned to explore the Afterlife during Lifeline, a program developed by noted out-of-body traveler and author, Robert A. Monroe.


This workshop teaches a system of simple concepts, techniques and exercises anyone can use to explore beyond the boundaries of physical reality, including our afterlife. It’s a mix of sharing insights gained from Bruce’s experiences, lecture, discussion and group exercises. This is a hands-on workshop in which you’ll learn by doing. And it’s an opportunity to meet others who share your interests. In addition to about twelve hours of classroom format instruction, time is allotted for open discussion.

Using the Art of Retrieval as a means of learning to make contact and communicate with those living in the Afterlife, you’ll learn to make contact with nonphysical Helpers; you might call them guides, angels, or some other name. You’ll learn how to work with Helpers to perform retrievals of those who get stuck after death. In your interactions with Helpers and those who are stuck you will begin to learn, firsthand, more about the structure and inner workings of human afterlife existence. Continuing to work with Helpers, you’ll learn how to explore the areas of our afterlife Bruce has written about in his books. And, you can use what you learn to explore any reality or dimension that exists beyond our physical world. Workshop participants routinely contact and communicate with the deceased and have their experiences verified as accurate and real during the workshop.

Afterlife, Bruce Moen, Workshop, Connect with Afterlife, Altered States of Consciousness

Workshop Topics

  • How to explore nonphysical realities including the afterlife
  • Imagination as a means of perception
  • The role of pretending and fantasy in real perception
  • Am I making it all up? How to tell if it’s real
  • The Interpreter & Perceiver, the Balance leading to perception and memory
  • Affirmations & Placing Intent
  • What to do about doubt
  • The role of Beliefs, Doubt & Identity in perception
  • How integration of experience leads ever widening perception
  • Changing and replacing perception-blocking beliefs
  • The role of Love in perception & exploration
  • Methods of exploration: Dreams, OBE & Focused Attention
  • A map of afterlife consciousness
  • Retrieval, what it is and why it’s sometimes necessary
  • Helpers, who they are and how to contact them
  • How contact and gather verifiable information from specific deceased individuals
  • Guidelines for the Novice Ghostbuster
  • The role of Pure Unconditional Love in expanding awareness
  • Curiosity, coincidence and guidance


“In every workshop some participants experience direct, validated communication with a deceased person.”

For testimonials from previous participants, click here: Moen Workshop Testimonials

WORKSHOP SCHEDULE (Subject to change)

Friday, April 22, 2016:
6:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Informal meet-and-greet with Bruce and other participants in hotel lobby/bistro area. Food and drinks may be purchased at the hotel bistro, which also features Starbucks Coffee.

Saturday, April 23, 2016:
8:00 am – 6:00 pm
Hands-on instruction and lectures by Bruce with 10 minute breaks every hour and one hour break for lunch. (Lunch included in workshop price. You are on your own for breakfast and dinner. For your convenience, there’s a restaurant/bistro in the hotel.)

Sunday, April 24, 2016:
8:00 am – 6:00 pm
Hands-on instruction and lectures by Bruce with 10 minute breaks every hour and one hour break for lunch. (Lunch included in workshop price. You are on your own for breakfast and dinner. For your convenience, there’s a restaurant/bistro in the hotel.)

If you have any of Bruce’s books, please bring them to the workshop and he will be happy to autograph them for you!


$250 per person, includes lunch April 23-24 and an informal meet-and-greet with Bruce on Friday evening, April 22.

Refund Policy: Full refund if requested 30 or more days prior to event (minus $30 processing fee and PayPal fee if applicable). PayPal fee of $7.55 for $250 or $6.80 for $225 transaction.

50% refund if requested 7-29 days before event (minus $30 processing fee and PayPal fee)

No refunds within 7 days of workshop.

Bruce gives a short intro to what you’ll be learning at his workshop:


Rainbow Ridge Books, LLC,  who “specialize in books with a spiritual (as distinguished from religious) content, metaphysical themes, and self-help with a metaphysical twist.”


frequencyRiser-Horizontal-12x150dpi copy

Optimize Mind, Body & Soul with FrequencyRiser Conscious Lifestyle Gear.


To register for the workshop, please click here:

For questions and/or other payment options, please contact Patricia Walker at

Link to Facebook Event Page: Bruce Moen’s Workshop Facebook Page

Please share this link with all your friends!


Reach For It Radio features Patricia Walker

christina winslowA heartfelt THANK YOU to host Christina Winslow, for having me on her show, “Reach For It Radio” last week. We had soooo much fun laughing and talking about out-of-body experiences, enlightenment, rock concerts and Sammy Hagar.

If you missed the live broadcast, you can still listen for free here:

Reach For It Radio on BBS Radio

Reach For It Radio™ is a live weekly broadcast on BBS Radio, hosted by best selling author Christina Calisto Winslow. Tune in every Thursday at 11am PST, 2pm ET, for an enlightening and entertaining hour about life, love, finances, spirituality, health, and business as Christina challenges the status quo. This show is dedicated to assisting listeners to reach higher to attain what they really want out of life. Christina brings no-nonsense and practical tools to her listeners though her interviews with great thinkers, healers, and spiritual teachers of the world combined with her intuitive coaching abilities. Callers will be given the assistance to remove blocks and become empowered to see what is actually possible in their life. Reach For It Radio™ is a catalyst for change and provides new ways for you to reach for the stars!


Podcast of The Law of Distraction and Interruption

3/31/12 and 4/1/12: Podcast of The Law of Distraction and Interruption
Please join host  and guests Patricia Walker, Author of “Dance with the Electric Hummingbird” and Nadine Lajoie, Championship Motorcycle Racer, Speaker and Author on “Spirituality, Money and FEAR”.

Listen here:

You are More Than Your Physical Body


Salvadore DaliHave you ever had an out-of-body experience? Have you ever thought that there is more to life than what we see with our eyes? Have you ever wished to connect with like-minded individuals (in this waking state of consciousness and in other states of consciousness–without the use of drugs) to discuss your experiences and questions or to be able explore them further?

If so, please consider attending the next meeting of our group TMI of Northern Colorado on Feb. 10, 2015 from 6:30-8:30 pm. We’re a local chapter affiliated with the famous Monroe Institute, a non-profit organization based in Faber, VA, which is dedicated to exploring and expanding human consciousness.

TMI does not espouse any religion or philosophy, we only ask that you consider that you are more than your physical body.

I have twice attended six-day workshops at TMI in VA. Recap of my experiences can be found here.

Each person’s experiences will be different than those of the next person. The goal of TMI is to help you discover your own personal truths and the answers to whatever questions are most important to you. Our monthly meetings consist of the use of Hemi-Sync audio technology, group discussion, guest speakers, films and other exercises geared toward helping you reach your personal goals.

We are growing and expanding with each meeting and would love for you to join us, share your experiences or just get reinforcement in knowing that there are many, many others who share your interests and experiences.

For more information on our group, directions, etc., please visit our page at: TMI of NoCo, or email me at

Looking forward to meeting you!

**Painting by Salvador Dali

Your Personal Journey to Self-Discovery

TMI logo photo by Baja Rock Pat

In 2003, I had an out-of-body experience (OBE) that changed my life.

Before that, I had no idea that things like that could really happen. Well, maybe if you were a monk or a nun who spent his or her entire life in meditation on a hillside in Tibet, but certainly not to an ordinary person like me who hasn’t exactly lived the life of a saint. (And I still don’t–what fun would that be?) And definitely not in the middle of a rock concert!

I won’t revisit the story. If you don’t know it, you might want to consider reading my book, DANCE OF THE ELECTRIC HUMMINGBIRD. However, since my OBE, and my search to understand such things, I’ve taken part in two 6-day programs–Gateway Voyage and Timeline–at The Monroe Institute (TMI) in Virginia. Archives about my experiences can be found here: Exploring Uncharted Legions of the MindGateway to Altered States of Consciousness and Voyage into the Mind and Limitless Possibilities.

TMI by Baja Rock Pat

These programs reinforced in me that we are so much more than our physical bodies and that there are countless other levels of consciousness and awarenesss that we can tap into at will. In fact, the possibilities are endless–we are limited only by our own minds and thoughts. Here in text, those words sound flat and essentially meaningless until you actually experience it for yourself.

Here’s your chance.

Our newly-established local chapter,TMI of Northern Colorado, meets the second Tuesday of each month to experience and discuss with like-minded people, the unlimited capabilities that we all possess, various states of consciousness, peak human potential, the power of the mind and spirit, OBEs and related topics. This chapter is affiliated with The Monroe Institute.

As founder, Robert Monroe said, “The greatest illusion is that mankind has limitations.”

From TMI’s website:

The Monroe Institute (TMI) is a non-profit research and educational organization dedicated to enhancing the uses and understanding of human consciousness.

We are not affiliated with any religion, philosophy, or spiritual practice.

We ask only that you consider the possibility that you are more than your physical body.


We use Hemi-Sync® audio technology, as developed by Robert Monroe, as well as group discussion before and after each exercise. (Disclaimer: If you have a tendency towards seizures, auditory disorders, or adverse mental condition(s), DO NOT listen to Hemi-Sync® without first consulting your physician.)

For more info on Hemi-Sync® click here: Hemi-Sync


Tuesday, Nov. 11, 2014                                                                                                   6:30 p.m. – 8:30 p.m.

(Place and meeting time may vary from month-to-month, so please contact me at for information.)

Refreshments will be served.

Please bring stereo headphones if you have them, and a floor pillow and/or blanket if desired.

 Are you ready to change your life in profound ways? Come join us!

Walk-ins are welcome, but if you know in advance, please RSVP to                                Bring a friend!**

Questions? Feel free to post them here, or email me personally.

**If you’re new to Hemi-Sync®, I will meet with you prior to the group session to help familiarize you with the exercises and answer any questions.

(All photos of the grounds of TMI taken by Patricia Walker)

Exploring Uncharted Legions of the Mind


View of the grounds at TMI in the beautiful Blue Ridge Mountains of Virginia

How brave are you really? Would you dare to enter the uncharted legions and depths of your mind?

I did. Repeatedly. I’ve always been interested in how the human mind works; I should have been a psychologist. Through my personal studies, though, I’ve discovered that truly NOTHING is impossible. Whatever the mind can conceive, it can achieve–or–if you can imagine it, you can make it happen.

I just completed a six-day program at The Monroe Institute (TMI) in Virginia, called “Timeline”, which focuses on the exploration of past, present, and future lives and how they influence our current lives. Fascinating stuff.

This painting by Salvador Dali pretty much sums up the sort of things I’ve experienced during programs at TMI:

Salvador Dali

Wait–you don’t get it? No, no drugs are involved. Let me attempt to explain.

You spend most of your time in your CHEC unit (Controlled Holistic Environmental Chamber), which is more or less a bed that’s enclosed on all sides except for an opening, which allows you to crawl in and out. A heavy black drape covers the opening so that the entire unit is completely dark to minimize external sensory distractions and maximize internal focus. Through headphones, you listen to recorded exercises, which are similar to guided meditations with the incorporation of Hemi-Sync® binaural beats. (More about this later.)




The founder, Robert Monroe’s home, where the “Timeline” program took place.








What does it feel like to enter another dimension of consciousness?

(Please keep in mind that these are my personal experiences—those of others may vary.)

After a series of mental steps to help you feel comfortable and safe during your “excursion,” you are then guided to different levels of consciousness which are referred to by number, i.e. C-1 represents full, waking consciousness, followed by F10, F12, F15, F21, F27 and so on. The “F” stands for “Focus Level.” F10, for instance, indicates the state of “mind awake/body asleep” and in F10, you feel as if you’re on the verge of falling asleep, but you can still feel your body lying on the bed and you’re fully aware that you’re in a room and what you’re doing there. In F12, (the state of expanded awareness) you begin to let go a bit more, and when I “arrive” in F12, I often “see” someone waiting for me there. Sometimes it’s someone I know in my current life, or sometimes it’s someone I’m familiar with but don’t know personally. It appears that these “people” always have a personal message for me, something I’ve been ignoring and need to address because they seem to get immediately in my face and are generally very insistent.

Often the images I encounter in the different levels of consciousness are symbolic or metaphors for something in my waking life and sometimes I know exactly what they mean; other times I never seem to figure them out. So far, the meaning of the images I encounter immediately upon my arrival in F12 are pretty easy to decipher, because it’s always a person (as opposed to an inanimate object, or a sound or a feeling) and he or she instantly moves toward me as if we’re opposite magnets.

Throughout any focus level, I am always in complete control of what I’m experiencing, and I have the ability to end the session or ask for clarification on anything at any time I choose. This is extremely important, because before my initial sessions at TMI, I was afraid that I would somehow relinquish control of my mind. But this is NOT the case. Ever. I always have control, but sometimes I have to remind myself of that fact! Just like in my everyday life.

galaxy-379213_640 Most of the Timeline program took place in F15, the state of consciousness where time doesn’t exist. It is a very deep, meditative state and there’s a feeling of floating. During my first experiences in F15, I found it a bit difficult to breathe; it felt as if my “surroundings”, for lack of a better word, were thick and intense, as if I was floating in a substance as dense as ketchup. Once I became more familiar with it, though, I told myself to relax, told myself that I could breathe easily, and that knowledge allowed me to float effortlessly and allow experiences or realizations to come to me. It’s like having a dream, where you’re in the REM state and you’re not aware of your physical body.

What I’m attempting to relate is nearly impossible to describe in words, because I experienced a richness to my sessions, where my visuals were accompanied by feelings and the use of all (or most of) my senses, but in a much more heightened manner. My perception also varied from one session to the next. (Sometimes I would simply “click out” or fall asleep, and experience nothing! This isn’t uncommon.)

TMI logo photo by Baja Rock PatFor instance, I interacted with energies that were clearly not human, but whom seemed to know me and (often) love me unconditionally, and the words “alien” or “angel” or “spirit” or whatever familiar term one might attach to it, does not adequately describe what I thought, felt, saw, or heard. The terms alien, angel, or spirit are relative terms anyway–they mean something different to each of us. TMI refers to them as “other energies or other energy systems,” a more appropriate description, because these “individuals” weren’t made of flesh like you and me, but of vibration, or energy, or thought. And just because they weren’t in human form didn’t mean they were more intelligent or advanced than we are. Now isn’t that an interesting concept?

walnut half During several sessions, I received a “knowing” that where I had requested to go (you set an intention for each exercise) required me to leave my physical body behind, and I worked very hard to make this happen. (That was my first mistake–“working very hard.” I now know that by trying to force things, it only hindered me–again, just like life.) In F15, my body felt heavy and “crispy,” and like a walnut shell that’s cracked in half, if you scoop out the nut, the empty shell remains the same shape it was in before you removed the nut, so too, my body retained its shape, but it was as if the top part had been removed, and my “insides” were rather gelatinous and began to “slosh” back and forth horizontally from head to toe like when you shake a bowl of jello. This gelatinous part of me then began to vibrate as it attempted to float upward, but it never got “out” completely. It rose up about three or four inches, but something kept it attached to my crispy shell (body).

Many who have experienced the out-of-body state, describe a vibration feeling that happens just before they leave their bodies, but some describe leaving their bodies without that feeling. I think my focusing too much on trying to achieve the out-of-body state may have been the very thing that kept me tethered at times. And although during the entire 6-day program, I never got the feeling that I completely went out-of-body, I’m certain that it happened many times without my ever realizing it, because there were times I knew I was completely immersed in another dimension of consciousness without regard to how I got there (because “how I got there” wasn’t important at the time; I wasn’t focusing on that aspect). My body felt paralyzed, in a sense, but my mind went jaunting off into other “territories”.

In addition to being limited by words to describe such experiences, another challenge is that there is no empirical proof whether the things one has experienced are real or imagined; but perhaps a more important question is: “If I just imagined all this, why did I imagine this particular scene and not something else?” The mind is a powerful tool, and when you let go of trying to control your environment, and simply allow things to come to you, amazing things happen. This isn’t just true for TMI sessions, it is true for one’s everyday waking state as well.

meditation-389700_640 The Timeline program reinforced in me that I am much more than my physical body, and that “I” do not end with death. In several sessions, I actually experienced the dying process of my physical body in previous lifetimes, although I did not allow myself to feel the pain associated with it. I realize this sounds frightening, but I learned so very much from these exercises. What I experienced was a separation of spirit and body, a release similar to my being given an epidural during the births of my children, and the moment the drug took effect, the pain vanished instantly. The death experiences felt similar to that–the moment the spirit left the body, there was instant relief from pain, combined with a release from mental anguish as well. This was completely unexpected, and the “I” who was witnessing the whole scene, was surprised at the tremendous sense of relief and release.

In 2003, I had an out-of-body experience (OBE) in the middle of Sammy Hagar‘s concert, and that moment changed my life. While in the out-of-body state, I “saw” landscapes that were clearly not earth, and beings that were not human. Thousands of them. I wrote about this in Dance of the Electric Hummingbird. At the time, I assumed they were representations of alien worlds that exist beyond human comprehension. Now, after the things I experienced at TMI, I wonder if they were glimpses of previous lives that I had lived, or future lives, because there is a school of thought that considers that we may indeed, be living all of our lives simultaneously, similar to the space-time continuum theory in physics. With this theory in mind, some say that just as each of our cells makes up different parts of us, all these other lives are merely different aspects or parts of us–each being integral to the whole. And ultimately, just as these different aspects of us make up one whole that we think of as the “self”, we too, are all different aspects of what we call God–each of us connected to form one consciousness that is God.

I can certainly see now, how this could very well be possible.

I also saw that since “I” exist far beyond the constraints of my physical body and that since the boundaries of what I call “me” overlap and merge with other living and non-living beings, what I do to others (or to the earth), I also do to myself.

Too, it’s important for me to realize the blessing of existing here, right now, in this physical body, for there are aspects of spiritual growth that cannot be learned by any other means. Therefore, I shouldn’t squander my life fretting over “the small things,” because every moment is meant to be enjoyed with every fiber of my being.

wave-64170_640 I learned that if I look closely enough, and with the eyes of a child (Zen calls this “Beginner’s Mind”), I can actually see my entire essence—the very essence of life itself, in a drop of rain, the veins of a single leaf, in a freckle on a stranger’s face, the song of a cardinal, and in every being—living and non-living. All of these things are me and they, like me, since we are all fibers of God, are infinite. Time is merely an illusion; it’s something humans created to make sense of and feel in control of our environment.

At the risk of sounding presumptuous, I believe that my initial OBE during the rock concert, planted a kind of “seed” in my subconscious. This seed continues to grow the more I feed it spiritual wisdom, the sort of wisdom I uncover during TMI sessions, because these sessions put me in contact with—and enhance—dimensions of my mind (that are also in contact with higher levels of consciousness) that I previously never knew existed.

Bob Monroe's Cabin photo by Baja Rock Pat

Robert Monroe’s cabin, where he wrote most of his books on his many out-of-body experiences and the exploration of altered states of consciousness

Why is any of this important when there are people starving in the world and so many other important things one could be focusing on?

The exploration of the mind and its capabilities can give us insight into the reasons we behave the way we do, help us achieve personal goals, and give us tools to teach others, thereby healing the world by first healing ourselves. Visiting some of my other lives not only explained the roles certain people play in my current life, it also showed me how and why I adopted some of my limiting beliefs. Knowledge, then, is power—the power to change and to better myself. I shall continue to explore the power of my mind and spirit, for there is much to learn, and that, I believe, is the meaning of our lives—to grow and to experience emotion in its many forms–the greatest and most important of these–is love.

TMI by Baja Rock Pat

Giant crystal on the property

(To read about my first experience at TMI, please click here: Gateway to Altered States of Consciousness)

**TMI is dedicated to exploring human consciousness and peak human performance with the use of Hemi-Sync® audio technology, which uses the scientifically adapted method of binaural beats to induce the meditative state and bring both left and right hemispheres of the brain into balance. The balanced brain then, is much more capable of achieving things of which it may not have previously been capable, thereby providing a tool to help listeners achieve goals such as weight loss, quitting smoking, improved concentration, stress or pain relief, and many other areas of self-improvement. For more information, please visit

Podcast of “Positive Perspectives” with Melinda Carver

According to talk show host Melinda Carver, at first, her listeners wondered how a spiritual awakening could take place during a rock concert. And who would blame them? I thought the same thing, even as it was happening to me! Hopefully all their questions were answered during our interview. Melinda was an outstanding host, asking questions such as, “How did you balance being a wife and mom with having such extraordinary experiences?” and “What was it like to be singing onstage with a famous rock star?” She also inquired about how I compared my journey to that of Paulo Coelho’s award-winning book, “The Alchemist.”

Melinda and I further discussed the role music and sound played in what happened to me, the implications of what experiences like mine could mean for others, and how my book has effected many of my readers. It was a great interview. Hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Thank you, Melinda!

Come One, Come All…

Need something to do this weekend to escape the heat? Why not come wander around the wonderful booths and workshops at INATS West in Denver? There is so much to do and see and I will be signing copies of my book DANCE OF THE ELECTRIC HUMMINGBIRD in my publisher’s booth. Please look for Rainbow Ridge Books.

I love, love, LOVE meeting new people, so I hope you’ll stop by and say hello!


Show Hours:

Saturday, June 22:  9:00 am – 6:00 pm
Sunday, June 23:   10:00 am – 6:00 pm
Monday, June 24:    9:00 am – 4:00 pm

Show Location:

Denver Merchandise Mart
451 East 58th Street
Denver, CO 80216