Bursts of Brilliance

By Teresa R. Funke

For most of my life, I fell into the trap of letting my mind lead my body, and my body lead my spirit. As someone who has been a deep and incessant thinker since a very young age, it’s always been easy to let my mind be the boss. I thought it was important to be smart. I thought it was important to able to think your way through a problem. I thought the more I learned, the better off I’d be. I never believed for a minute I could learn to meditate, because everyone told me meditation required you to turn off your thoughts, and I believed that would be impossible for me. 

Five and a half years ago, I started writing a blog called, Bursts of Brilliance for a Creative Life. I did so because I had three kids in college or going off to college, so I was working nights and days and weekends to save up money. There was no longer time to write my novels (I’d written and published six at that point, each based on true stories from World War II) so the blog became my weekly creative outlet. Because I was so busy, I gave myself permission to write about whatever I felt like writing, not what I thought I should write. Not what I thought people wanted to read. Not what I thought might be trendy. Just what I felt like writing. And because time was lacking, and I considered the blog my escape, I never rewrote or questioned any of the posts I put out there (although I did edit them, of course). 

Teresa’s previous books

Then something interesting happened. People started reading the blog, and not just artists, who were my intended audience, but teachers and health care professionals and businesspeople. It seemed that everyone could relate to my musings on finding time to create, battling my inner critic, wondering if my work mattered, and learning to trust my intuition. People started sending me e-mails to tell me how much they liked a particular post and how much it touched them. Why? Because it tapped into their feelings too. So, I kept writing one new post every week, with no self-censorship. In putting my feelings on the page, I also came to some stunning realizations about myself, about the importance of art, about how this blog was helping me tap into my Higher Self. 

The blog gave me permission to just feel my journey, rather than trying to explain it. The words came effortlessly once I stopped trying to “think” about how to say things just right. And when I decided to edit the blog into a book, I knew that through the expression of my own doubts, insecurities, and fears, but also passions, revelations, and triumphs, I would find like-hearted souls who could relate. 

My new book, also called Bursts of Brilliance for a Creative Life, is an edited compilation of the best blog posts from the first five years. My biggest lesson in creating this book has been that when we let our hearts lead, when we lean into our passion and trust the guidance of our Higher Selves, we will make real connections. We will raise the vibration of this worried and wonderful world. We will see ourselves in others and see new parts of ourselves. 

If you haven’t given yourself permission to create lately, please do. We need your creative energy to lift us all up. Try a new recipe, plant something different in your garden, assemble the perfect outfit, or pick up your pencil, paintbrush, or instrument again. Tell your mind to take a break. Tell it that for the time it takes to make your creation, your soul is now the boss!

PS–I finally did learn to meditate, once I accepted that you can’t shut off your thoughts, but you can choose not to focus on them.


Bio: Teresa Funke believes there’s an artist in everyone. Her newest book, Bursts of Brilliance for a Creative Life, helps readers ignite their creative spirit and rediscover their passion, their purpose, and their power. Today’s chaotic world requires an army of innovative thinkers—and you are one of them!

Teresa is the embodiment of the modern artist/entrepreneur. She’s the owner of Teresa Funke & Company and Bursts of Brilliance™ and has authored seven award-winning novels for adults and children set in World War II, including Dancing in Combat Boots and War on a Sunday Morning. She is a sought-after instructional and motivational speaker, a writing consultant, and a community catalyst. She created the Self-Publishing Blueprint, the only tool you’ll need to self-publish successfully.

Visit www.teresafunke.com to access writing resources or learn more about Teresa’s books or visit www.burstsofbrilliance.com to find evolving ways to boost your artistic energy and increase your fun factor!

Teresa’s grace, intelligence, writing, coaching, and publishing expertise, along with her soft spoken-manner and fiery spirit is sure to inspire you as much as is it has me and many others. I highly recommend checking out her blog and her books for yourself. You won’t regret it. –Baja Rock Pat

Guest Appearance on Twin Flame Divine Fire Radio Show this Sunday!

Author Patricia Walker is honored to announce her appearance on Twin Flame Divine Fire Radio show this Sunday, April 23, 2017 from 11:00 am – 1:00 pm. MT.

Hope you’ll join us!

For info, please click here: Twin Flame Divine Fire Radio Show

From their website:

Twin Flame Divine Fire Radio Show on Truth Frequency Radio

Sandra and Alan are dedicated to having guests on that enhance spiritual tools available in a variety of healing areas and teaching tools of which music plays a big part! They also bring guests on from the secular world who are making a difference around the globe with their special gifts of music, writing and various healing modalities just to name a few. It is designed to be lighthearted and fun but informative!

Truth Frequency Radio is a team of individuals focused on expanding the consciousness of humanity by shining the light in the darkness. We are here to promote love, unity, and respect for every human being, as we combat and expose the elements that systematically divide and enslave mankind. While our opinions may sometimes be the opposite of one another, the foundation and goals upon which we stand are always aimed at forging a better world for the next generation.

Truth Frequency Radio was established on November 5, 2009 (remember, remember, the “Fifth Of November”) and has since operated on a 100% listener supported basis with continual growth and evolution. We do not censor, regulate, or micro-manage the content on our airwaves, therefore the views and opinions expressed on TFR are of those who make them. We do however ask that our team minimizes foul-language in order to keep our station classy and safe enough to listen at work or school.

Our promise to you is that you will always be able to trust what you hear on our station.

We are TFR. Your protection from deception.

Tune in and support Twin Flame Divine Fire Radio Show every Sunday 11am – 1pm mst:


Rocker Lita Ford Rocks My World

IMG_2107I wish I could bottle the feeling inside of me right now and give you all a big swig. I apologize if this post is fraught with incongrity; I am still high from what happened the other night, but I wanted to share it right away while the feeling was fresh within me. WHAT A FEELING!!!! An effervescent, sparkling, dizzy, fizzy, in-love type of ecstasy!

Friday night, I met the indomitable Lita Ford.

How is it that rock stars can make me feel this way? Is it their celebrity status and the fact that they sometimes take time for little ol’ me? Is it their music? Music has to be the most effective tool in the universe for transmitting feelings and emotions—those of power, or those of destruction and depression. Those of helplessness or those of joy, accomplishment, self-confidence and of making a difference in the world. Like that of a true friend, holding your hand when you’re down and celebrating your achievements when you’re higher than a kite with joy. I’m not talking about drug use here. I’m talking about the sort of high that comes from living life to its fullest and appreciating every strand of it.

I can’t imagine my life without music.


So… The rep from my publishing house contacted me the other day and told me that rocker Lita Ford, former award-winning guitarist of The Runaways, had just published her new memoir, Living Like a Runaway. He said that she and I wrote about many of the same things—abuse, rock and roll, the deaths of our parents, and a rebirth and re-emergence of sorts because of rock music, coupled with a burning desire to bring awareness to the issue of the crippling jaws of abuse and to make a difference in the world. Of course there are differences between Lita and me, I mean, she’s a rock star; I’m just a small town author, but we also know a few of the same people.

The world is a funny and small place sometimes, and I’ve learned, through the writing of my book, that celebrities are people just like the rest of us. However, the other night, when I offered to give Lita a copy of my book, Dance of the Electric Hummingbird, and she asked me to sign it for her, offering me her silver, thick-tipped sharpie and I went to write, my hand was shaking so badly I could hardly write. The thoughts going through my mind were, “I’m writing her name—To Lita!” and “There are a lot of people behind me in line and I’m taking up too much of her time. I shouldn’t!”


But she didn’t seem to be in a hurry. We chatted for quite a while, and I felt like I could have talked to her for much longer than I did.

When I mentioned some of the things we had in common, and that my book was fully endorsed by rock star Sammy Hagar, she seemed impressed. When I told her that I, too, had been abused by my first husband, I could see the compassion and sorrow in her eyes. When I mentioned the names of a few of the people we both knew, she laughed. She knew exactly who they were, and she gave me a message to deliver to one of them.

“Breathe, Pat,” I reminded myself.

Okay, so I’m on the fringes of this rock music business; I’m not on the inside and that’s okay. I’m not trying to get on the inside. I honestly don’t want to be in the limelight, but I wouldn’t mind my work speaking for itself. However, I find it fascinating that I am where I am. Before any of this stuff happened to me (the events I wrote about in Dance), I was just a stay-at-home mom quietly raising three teenage sons in suburbia, driving them to soccer practice and viola lessons in my minivan and finding innovative ways to combine Bisquick with whatever I had in the freezer to make something for dinner each night that bore at least a slight resemblance to a healthy meal that tasted good. As Sammy Hagar so eloquently put it, “Pat was just a fucking housewife; she had nothing going on!” Ahem. Well…

While I was waiting in line for Lita to sign her book the other night, I met a man from San Diego named Robert Yehling. Bob is also an author, and he had planned to give Lita a copy of his book, Stevie Salas: When We Were the Boys that he co-wrote with rock musician Stevie Salas. Bob told me that he had been a journalist and had interviewed a lot of rock stars. He’d also ghostwritten many books for and with them.

My heart began to sing! I want to do this too! Right now, my book, Dance of the Electric Hummingbird, is lying on my garage-sale-purchased, pitted and beat-up wooden desk all by itself, (on top of all the clutter, I mean) and it’s been screaming for a companion for a very long time. I still get letters from readers all over the world telling me that my book changed their lives and asking me when I’m going to write another. And I need to because something is churning inside of me like a volcano ready to explode.

Chatting with Bob, I began to feel like I’d known him for years. He said I needed to get my book on the shelves at the Tattered Cover Bookstore in Denver (which is like THE biggest bookstore in Colorado; it’s like OD’ing on books for a book junkie) and proceeded to introduce me to one of the managers there so we could begin to make that happen. Bob said that he and I should do some book signings together since we both wrote about rock music themes. I replied, “YES! Let’s DO this!!!”With Robert Yehling

At the end of the evening, Bob and I bought each other’s books and had each other sign them, vowing that we would keep in touch. Holding each other’s books, we posed next to the poster of Lita Ford.

By the time I walked out of the Tattered Cover, I was so high, that my friend Carol, who was with me, had to catch me before I stepped off the curb into oncoming traffic as I went to cross the street. If I’d been hit by a car that night, I don’t think I would have even felt it; it would have bounced right off me.

I didn’t get the chance to tell Lita everything I wanted to tell her. I wanted to tell her how I plan to donate copies of my book to women’s shelters and women’s organizations to demonstrate to abused women that they don’t deserve to be treated like that. To show them that there is hope, and that they have a choice. My book is the perfect example of how I went from being a victim of severe abuse to realizing my lifelong dream of being a writer, and if I can do it, so can everyone else.

But even if I never hear from Lita again, what she gave me Friday night is something I will never forget. I mean, a big star asking me to sign my book at the expense of taking up time for all those other people in line. Of her taking the time to connect with me… I felt like a star myself.

Sammy Hagar has made me feel like this before too—many times. If you haven’t read my book, you should. It’s all in there.

How I wish I could bottle this feeling and share it with you. Everyone deserves to feel this way at least once in his or her life, an ecstasy resulting from hard work, accomplishment, perseverance and from a belief in one’s self that transcends reality, combined with being recognized for having done so.

Here’s to YOUR joy! Cheers!

Order Lita’s book here: Living Like A Runaway

Lita is raising awareness for this cause: Parental Alienation

Order Robert Yehling’s book here: When We Were the Boys

New Interviews Posted

A sincere THANK YOU to Tara Sutphen and Tim Northburg for recently featuring me in their online and podcast interviews. It was an honor and a pleasure to have been invited to do these guest spots with you!

The interview I did on “Transformations with Tara”, with the lovely and talented Tara Sutphen is now available here: http://contacttalkradio.net/CTR/tarasutphen022213.mp3. Tara and I discuss my unexpected and incredible spiritual awakening and its effects on my life.

I also did a short interview for Tim Northburg’s “Otterocity Blog” here: http://www.otterocity.com/apps/blog/show/25376574-otterview-pat-walker. This blog is dedicated to finding more joy in life, and who can’t use more joy? Tim is also an excellent writer and has several books published. Please visit his website for more information.

Article and Interview on “Inspire Me Today”

It is a great honor and a pleasure to let you know that on August 27th, 2012, I will be the featured Inspirational Luminary on InspireMeToday.com. A representative from Inspire Me Today asked me to complete a 500-word essay on what I’ve learned from life and my mystical experience. Website owner Gail Goodwin was intrigued, so she invited to me to do an interview with her–that, in itself, was an honor! She asked me some really great and thought-provoking questions. I know you’re going to enjoy this interview. I certainly did.

For ONE DAY ONLY–AUGUST 27th–my essay and interview will be featured on Inspire Me Today’s home page and it will be available on Google Currents, on their iPhone app and through their RSS feed. Inspire Me Today features the “Brilliance” of a new Luminary each day. A lot of famous people have appeared on their site such as Sir Richard Branson, Guy Laliberte, Seth Godin, Neale Donald Walsch, Marci Shimoff, and now me! I can’t tell you what a tremendous honor it is to have been invited to share my thoughts alongside such esteemed company.

According to Inspire Me Today, “Luminaries who have great traffic on their feature day are selected to be included in our column on Care2.com, which has a community of over 19,000,000 readers!” So I hope you’ll stop by and perhaps leave a comment. This is the perfect opportunity to get word out about my book. Please tell all your friends!

And although my feature day is just one day, my article and interview will be archived under “Browse Our Inspirational Luminaries” so you can still access it at a later date.

From the folks at Inspire Me Today and from me, thank you in advance for your kind support. Together we really can make a difference. Oh, and did I mention YOU ROCK?!

~Baja Rock Pat

Discovering Personal Truths

November 9, 2010

Some people find their answers in religion. I think that’s wonderful, but it didn’t happen that way for me.

I harbored a lot of fear about stepping beyond the boundaries of the Catholic faith in which I was raised. I worried that God would strike me down or send me to hell for looking for spiritual gratification outside my religion. Frustrated and confused, I quit searching.

Then one day, my truths found me.

I am honored to have been invited by the wonderful people at Satiama: Enhancing Life’s Journey, to share my story. My article, “Crossing the Line,” is now published online at http://satiama.com/crossing-the-line-by-pat-walker/.

I know you will find satiama.com to be a source of inspiration and light.

Thank you for your continued support.

Do It Anyway

With my book soon to be released, there are a lot of emotions running through me. My friend read me this poem yesterday. It was written by Mother Theresa. We all need a little encouragement sometimes, and a reminder of what’s really important.

Do It Anyway

People are often unreasonable, illogical and self-centered;
Forgive them anyway.

If you are kind, people may accuse you
of selfish, ulterior motives;
Be kind anyway.

If you are successful, you will win some
false friends and some true enemies;
Succeed anyway.

If you are honest and frank, people may cheat you;
Be honest and frank anyway.

What you spend years building,
someone could destroy overnight;
Build anyway.

If you find serenity and happiness,
they may be jealous;
Be happy anyway.

The good you do today, people will
forget tomorrow,
Do good anyway.

Give the world the best you have, and
it may never be enough;
Give the world the best you’ve got … anyway.

You see, in the final analysis, it is
between you and God,
It never was between you and them anyway

–Mother Theresa