Pearls from Horses

June 9, 2009

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My intention for starting this blog and writing my book is to get people thinking “outside the box,” as the saying goes.

I see so many people pining for meaning in their lives and yet surrendering to mediocrity, often because they don’t know where to look for answers.

The more I walk in the direction this journey takes me, the more I hear stories from those who, like me, have had a mystical experience or some sort of spiritual growth, resulting from a highly unlikely situation. This fuels my belief that there is more than one pathway to God.

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Meet my friend Kris. Unable to relate to the religion in which she was raised, Kris discovered her truths in Shamanism. Shamanism is an ancient healing tradition used by Native American tribes. It’s a means for entering the world of spirit and putting us in touch with what is real. She recommends these books to me. I order them online:

Four Insights

Soul Retrieval

Kris and I met at a writer’s convention. While chatting, we discovered that we had both written books about the mystical realm. Was it coincidence? Not a chance. I no longer believe in coincidence.

What I love about Kris is that she doesn’t apologize for her beliefs. Especially when she realizes a lot of people will judge her based on that. But she knows her truth. And that’s paramount! I’m excited about this because as humans, we are so easily influenced by the majority. Often when we try something different, we are ridiculed for our disobedience, shamed and ostracized. Although currently, diverse ways of doing things are becoming more readily accepted, there remains a stigma of isolation and non-acceptance if we don’t conform. Because of this, we are afraid to take a step beyond what is considered “right,” concerned that others might not approve.

Like horses, humans are herd animals; we know there is strength in numbers.

But just because there’s strength in numbers doesn’t mean what’s right for others is what’s right for you. If something doesn’t feel right, it’s time to look elsewhere. There is no other way to find true joy. I encourage you to seek your truth in whatever avenue feels right. If it’s Christianity, great! If it’s atheism, great! Buddhism, Shamanism, cooking, being in nature, Sufism, Taoism, acupuncture, Judaism, racing cars, playing music, that’s wonderful! If love and helping others are the main objectives, then you are on the right path. It doesn’t matter how you get there.

As for Kris, she raises horses for a living. One of her biggest life lessons, and consequently her book, came through suffering the death of her favorite light-colored mare she called Sky.

As Kris fought for four agonizing months to save Sky, Kris’ angels, spirit guides and power animals revealed the truths her soul desperately needed to become whole.

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She traveled into her mind and listened to whichever representation of her Self happened to appear with a message for her at the time. Sometimes the different parts of her were represented as animals, sometimes as people, but they were and still are all important parts of Who she is and God, whom she also refers to as “She.” As she followed this passageway to her soul, Kris was healed. Not only from the pain of losing Sky, but from wounds she had unknowingly carried her entire life, things that had affected her in adverse ways. Through this experience, Kris was transformed. And like me, she knew the exact moment it all happened.

Also like me, Kris wrote a book to show others that they too, are capable of clearing away the physical and mental blocks that prevent them from discovering their inner natures and living life to its fullest. (Her book hasn’t been published yet, but I’ll let you know when it is!)

Who would ever have thought that the horrible incident of losing a horse would teach an ordinary farmer so very much about life and her inner self?

Likewise, who would ever have thought that an ordinary wife and mom would become spiritually awakened and changed forever by attending a rock concert?

There are more stories out there like this.

Very often, I run into people with similar accounts who are reluctant to share them because they don’t want anyone to think they’re crazy.

If this sounds like you, you’re not crazy, you’ve been blessed. Won’t you please share your story here with the rest of us? Even if you think it’s something small, it’s not.

This is huge. It’s important.

I want the world to know how varied these experiences are and how abundant. Click on the comment tab below this post to share your story, or click on the “Contact Pat” link at the bottom of this page and send it to me. I will post it separately. And… thank you.


(Photos by Patricia Walker)